Dalian Jinxiu Biological Engineering Co., LTD

We are a china company . Mainly engaged in veterinary medicine feed
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Current situation of breeding industry

First of all, the veterinary medicine industry is developing well on a global scale. Veterinary medicine is an important substance used to prevent and treat animal diseases, which is of great significance to ensure the healthy development of animal husbandry and improve the efficiency of breeding. With the rapid development of animal husbandry, the demand for veterinary drugs is also increasing. At the same time, governments' supervision of the veterinary drug industry is also strengthening, promoting the standardization and standardization of the veterinary drug industry. Secondly, the feed industry is also showing a good development trend. Feed is an important material basis of breeding industry, which plays an important role in improving breeding efficiency and protecting animal health. With the large-scale development of the aquaculture industry, the demand for feed is also increasing. At the same time, the technological innovation and product upgrading of the feed industry are also constantly advancing, providing more high-quality and efficient feed products for the breeding industry.


Years In Business


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Our Services

We sell the highest quality animals feed and veterinary drug

Premixed feed

We can customize according to your requirements, any feed you need

Veterinary Drug

We sell a wide range of veterinary drugs with high quality and low prices

Additional Services

We Also Offer

Both feed and veterinary medicine can be customized according to your requirements, including ingredients, concentrations, packaging, names, etc

Why Choose Us

Three Reasons For People Choosing Us

Quality Material

Raw materials are selected the latest crops, receive deposit after production, to ensure the latest products


We have 6 new GMP veterinary drug production lines, obtained a number of invention patents, and participated in the 863 project of the Ministry of Agriculture

Trained Workers

Each of our producing areas has relevant research teams, and we have great advantages in research and development innovation

The most popular products

Premixed feed


Albendazole tablet 600mg


Amoxicillin Injection

Treatment of Gastrointestinal, respiratory and urinary tract infections caused by amoxycillin sensitive micro-organisms, like Campylobacter, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, E. coli, Erysipelothrix, Haemophilus, Pasteurella, Salmonella, penicillinase negative Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp., in calves, cattle, goats, sheep and swine.

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24th St. Ave. San Francisco, California
Phone: +1 2345 678
Email: office@example.com
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